Support for measurement interfaces from Data Translation
Although classical "soundcards" are very powerful today, they still have some disadvantages compared to industrial measurement interfaces:
Industrial measurement interfaces like the Data Translation series have the following advantages:
- Multi-channel up to 16 channels simultaneously (up to 64 channels are possible)
- constant current interface IEPE/ICP connecting sensors like microphones or accelerometers directly
- Calibrated voltage ranges up to 10V
- Gapless streaming without glitches
- Very linear frequency response
- DC capability
From the Data Translation series we support the following devices:
- DT9837A 4 channels with DC to 24Khz with IEPE/ICP via USB
- DT9857E-08/16: 8 or 16 channels with DC to 50Khz with IEPE/ICP via USB
- DT9847-1-1/3: 1/2/3 channels with DC to 100Khz with IEPE/ICP via USB. Ideal for ultrasonic measurements