Rental Complete Audio measurement system including USB measurement microphone and software for environmental mesurements
This packackage contains an IEC61672 class 2 low noise USB measurement microphone together with a powerful analysis software optimized for enviromental noise measurements.
This measurement microphone uses a real 1/2" capsule with 12,7mm diameter. Many simple measurement microphones use a cheap 1/4" caspsule (6mm) in a 1/2"-housing. The effective area of the diaphragma is 4 times smaller. This leads to significant higher noise.
The following picture demonstrates a 1/2" capsule in contrast to a 1/4"-electret capsule.

- Meets IEC61672 class 2
- Mesurement range: 20dB(A)-128dB(A)
- Frequency range 5Hz -20kHz
- Capsule: 1/2" pre-polarized typical 25mV/Pa
- Parameterers:FFT,LAEQ,LCEQ, LCPEAK,LAFMAX etc. wideband or with 1/3 octave resolution
- Integration interval: 35ms up to days weeks
- Connection: USB
- Software requirements: Windows XP,Vista,7,8,10 32/64 bit
Package contains:
- USB measurement microphone ATD4-S class 2
- Analysis software for non commercial usage in english version (multilangual: spanish, french, italian)
- Frequency range 5Hz -20kHz
- Capsule: 1/2" pre-polarized typical 25mV/Pa
- USB cable 3m
A Laptop is not included
This is a rental system. Price per week.